Suggestions for improving the MedPoint portal!

Suggestions for improving the MedPoint portal!

Hi everyone

We have now migrated all of our customers over to Version 2 of our portal which has been a major undertaking for us. Version 2 has a lot more features than version one and we will continue to iterate and improve it as we know it can always be better, We already have a list of feature improvements that we plan to address next and we want our future development priorities to be driven by you, our users!

To help us do that we would really like to hear any ideas, however small or big that you feel would make it quicker and easier for you in using the Medpoint Portal. You can use this chat thread to post and discuss ideas with the Medpoint team and other users. 

We are also want to set up a small user group of customers keen to be involved in how we develop new features and preview these before they are released. Get in touch if you are interested in that!