Analyst PMR reprinted barcode error

Analyst PMR reprinted barcode error

When an Analyst user reports an order that was inexplicably loaded as exempt OR there are integration errors due to missing unique ID or " "pmrOrderId""- check the barcode has a six digit number directly after the "PSL" prefix. If not then see below. 

When QR codes generated by Analyst PMR are used to load orders into the MedPoint it is important that the original label is used wherever possible.
Occasionally it may be necessary to reprint a bag label, for example if there is a printer error when first printed or a label is mislaid somehow. When this happens it is very important that the label is NOT re-printed using the “Bag Label” Button on the Patient History screen (highlighted below) as this will produce a generic QR code that is not linked to the particular prescription (dispensing session ID). It
will therefore NOT be completely unique as the PMR order ID number is missing and and will default to £0 as the charge amount. 

This means that a barcode reprinted for a charged prescription may load successfully but will be treated as auto-exempt and the patient will receive the collection pin without going through the checkout process. See below for solution.

Bag labels should only be reprinted using the “Label” button when the prescription in question is highlighted on the Script Queue screen.

If the prescription was not labelled today, you may need to use the “Recall” button to view a previous days prescriptions.

Alternatively, the label button on the “Patients Scripts” screen can also be used (below) as this displays all the historical prescriptions for an individual patient as if they were accessed via the "recall" button.

Bag QR Barcodes reprinted using the “Label” button contain the unique session ID and charge amount

The “Patients Scripts” screen can be reached via the menu accessed through the “Misc” button on the Script Queue Screen.
(It can also be added as a separate shortcut on the Script Queue screen via Setup>Miscellaneous>Script Queue Buttons)