Error Notifications Guidance

Error Notifications Guidance

Loading Errors

If there is an issue that requires your attention an error notification is generated in the MedPoint Portal.

The system will send a daily email to the pharmacy email address if there are any unread error notifications.

It is important to monitor any error notifications corrective action to avoid delays to patients receiving their collection pin. Once corrected the notification must be dismissed to avoid them building up over time and receiving unnecessary emails.

Below table explains the most common types of error that can occur.


Notification Type


Action needed

Bag Not Scanned

Scanner unable to read barcode on the item at location xxxx

Check barcode on bag, it may be damaged or need repositioning within channel

Duplicate barcode

This bag HAS been scanned but order has not loaded successfully because this barcode has previously been loaded & collected by a patient. This sometimes happens with labelling errors or with owings labels.. Every barcode used must be unique to the bag for safety reasons

Replace barcode on bag. A new order barcode could be created via your PMR system integration OR via the MedPoint portal.

SMS Failed

There are a number of reasons why an SMS could fail, incorrect number, phone out of signal for long periods, network issue etc.

Check message content, if it is the PIN notification then patient may not know their order is ready. Click on the patient details to see if they have an email address. If yes then patient will also have received an email of their pin number – no action needed.


If not, try to contact patient to verify the number is correct and update the patient record. Using the “resend last message” option on order details will use the updated number.

Integration Failed

The integration failed due to an incorrectly formatted bag label or communication issue with your PMR. 


This means that while the barcode scanned, the integration failed to get the patients details from the PMR/App for some reason. The error message has more details depending on the cause.

These vary widely depending on the specific integration type in operation. 

Example with PMR QR codes - format of the QR code is missing required information. Example below shows missing phone number. The PMR patient record must be updated with missing information and a fresh bag label printed and applied to the bag.

 “field": "mobileNumber",

      "id": "EXPECTED_UK_MOBILE",

      "text": "expected a UK mobile number"

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