Guide to RxWeb PMR Integration

Guide to RxWeb PMR Integration

Initial patient set-up
  1. Add a note to the "Bag Label Note" field of the patients record e.g. "MedPoint" or "Collection Point Patient". Then click ‘Update Patient’. This is how orders for the collection point will be identified in future. 
  2. When the user dispenses, the Patient Bag Label will print as follows – This will act as the flag/reminder for the user to go back into the patient to print the barcode label

The patients mobile phone number MUST be present in the "Mobile Phone" field on the RxWeb patent personal details tab. The "Telephone" field often contains a landline and will not work. See below.

Dispensing Workflow

On RxWeb, the MedPoint QR code is manually generated by the pharmacy dispenser before loading the bag. 
  1. Label all prescriptions as normal. Orders intended for the Collection Point should be segregated. This could be done at different stages depending on pharmacy preference on workflow (we recommend using a different colour basket to segregate)
    1. After labels have been printed, segregate those with "Collection Point" on the bag label and print the additional MedPoint ‘Patient Barcode’ label for the individual prescription you have just processed (step 2 below) OR.......
    2. At the point of accuracy checking & bagging, segregate orders with the "Collection Point" on the Bag label and produce all required MedPoint ‘Patient Barcode’ labels in a batch process (step 2 below)
  2. To print the MedPoint ‘Patient Barcode’ label, go to the home screen and enter the patient’s name. Click the ‘MORE’ button.
  3. This will then pop-up the window below where the user can click on ‘Patient Barcode’

  4. Setting the charge amount:
    1. Most orders are automatically exempt (Age or RTEC) the user can just press ‘Print’ to generate a label with "£0" charge.
    2. For "To Pay?" orders where payment or  exemption declaration is needed, the user clicks the up/down arrows to set the number of NHS charges applicable which calculates the total charge automatically. Press ‘Print’ to generate label
    3. Users can also set a custom price by typing it manually into the "Total Charge" field  e.g. for a private script.
  5. Stick the MedPoint QR coded bag label as the only label on the bottom of bag. The "normal" PMR bag label can go anywhere else.
  6. Store MedPoint bags in a tote box until there are enough to load as a batch. ( We recommend  2-3 batches per day). File prescription tokens alphabetically flagging those that are "to pay?" or filing separately to make claim submission more efficient. 
  7. [OPTIONAL] If your PMR includes bag location tracking functionality, we recommend scanning the bag into a virtual "Collection Point" location at this stage for traceability.
  8. Load the machine by placing the bags into any vacant shelves  with the bottom of the bag (with QR code label) facing backwards ie facing you.
  9. Close the rear roller shutter to start the self-scan process. 
  10. Once the machine has self-scanned, the orders will appear on the MedPoint portal. This means the customer has been automatically notified of their order being ready together with their pin-code (or a link to online checkout depending on payment configuration)
  11. Collected orders should be reviewed on a daily basis using the "Collections report" on MedPoint portal to identify & claim for prescriptions collected the previous day.