What's New April 2023

What's New April 2023

Release 20230425

Order Source icon

To make it easy to see how an order was created at a glance we have added two new icons to the orders screen depending on the source of the order. An explanatory tooltip appears if the cursor hovers over the icon.

Order Source

Order Icon

MedPoint Portal


No icon

PMR QR code

PMR/App using MedPoint Integration API


The same icon also appears on the Order Details screen


Redact collection pin in error notifications

A recent change to the format of collection pin numbers broke the redaction in order logs. This has now been fixed and also redacts the pin in the error notification messages. Wherever possible, a link to the patients record and specific order are also included in the error notification.


Bag not scanned error notifications

The EM0021 error has been reworded to more user friendly language and a link to the relevant machine is also included for sites with more than one machine. 


New event type – Duplicate barcode

An order event is now created if & when a duplicate barcode error occurs. This will support monitoring of the frequency of this issue going forward as the event log can be filtered by this event.

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