What's New July 2023

What's New July 2023


Release 20230703

Graphs of monthly Stats

We have added some graphs to display your monthly stats. Initially this covers number of patients, average pick-up duration, number of orders created/collected.

Click here to see a quick video showing how to adjust the data displayed in the graphs

Pharmacy Logo within patient emails

You can now add your pharmacy logo to the emails that the MedPoint system sends to patients to enhance their trust & familiarity with your 24/7 service. If you have an email address on the patients record, the system sends emails to patients for pin notifications, reminders and removal notifications. 

 QR codes – adding date of birth (PSL Analyst PMR Users)

We have added support for including the patient date of birth in PMR QR codes so that patient records on the MedPoint Portal also have DOB information for matching and for age profile statistics.

Speak to a member of support if you would like guidance on how to update your Analyst PMR settings. If you sue QR codes with another PMR provider, the QR code format can only be changed via a software update, speak to your PMR account manager to request this. Technical details can be obtained by emailing integrations@medpointuk.com


Error message for API webhook failures

If you use a two-way integration with a PMR/App, we have added a new error message type to highlight when we have not received a response from the third-party system. This could happen if there is an outage of your PMR provider or some other communication issue which prevents the order information being retrieved from the PMR.

The new error will help speed up trouble-shooting and diagnosis of any issues.

Exemption declaration signature

You can now view an image of the signature of the person that declared an exemption as well as their name (if not the patient). This is displayed on the order details screen of a given order.


Orphan Bags flag

The process of successfully “loading” and order into your MedPoint involves a number of stages:

1.       Creating the bag barcode label – This is done on the MedPoint Portal, or, if using an integration, printing from your chosen PMR/App.

2.       Placing the bag physically into the MedPoint machine & successful scan

3.       Load success – the MedPoint portal is updated with a new order (based on data entered in the portal or received from a third party PMR system)

There are rare scenarios where stage 1 & 2 are successful, but stage 3 fails without any error notification. This means the patient has NOT received their collection pin as there is no order created for that bag.

To help identify these “Orphan” bags when trouble-shooting, we have added a yellow triangle warning flag to the machine contents page (highlighted below). This page is accessed via the left hand menu, under “Machines”, then click on your chosen machine name to view the contents.




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