What's New June 2023

What's New June 2023

Release 20230612

Express Checkout

In response to customer feedback we have been working on making the online checkout process for taking payments or exemption declarations more streamlined and frictionless for patients.

The latest release now defaults to the new “Express Checkout” where patients will be sent a secure unique URL via sms and email that takes them to a checkout page instead of asking them to register or log in to the MedPoint patient portal www.go.medpoint.uk

This means patients can more quickly and easily declare exemption or pay for their order and will be shown a QR code version of this collection PIN when they do so.

Watch a brief video demo of the new checkout process here or see screenshots below.

Step 1: Select payment or exemption                                  Step 2; Choose exemption reason 


                                                                                                          Step 3 – sign & confirm





Step 4  - Review & complete checkout


Step 5 – View Pin (including scannable QR code version)         



                       Upgraded Support Widget

We have enhanced the functionality of our technical support channel by upgrading the instant chat tool to also incorporate access to our FAQs and Help Centre articles on common trouble-shooting issues to enable customers to find answers to common questions on-demand. We will continue to add to this range of self-help materials.

The enhanced support widget can only be accessed once you are logged in to the MedPoint portal and can be accessed in the same way as the current instant chat tool. 


Manual order removal

There are rare occasions when orders on the MedPoint portal are not marked as collected/removed automatically. For example, if shelves are reconfigured/removed and an order is linked to a channel location that no longer exists when the machine is rebooted.  Up until now these orders have been stuck on the orders screen and could only be removed by the MedPoint software developers. We have introduced a new option on the order details screen to remove override the system and mark an order as removed using the “Mark as removed” option highlighted below. This only appears if the order is loaded & has a location assigned. 


Keyholder alerts


We have added an additional key-holder alert to send if the machine detects a jam that prevents further collections so that pharmacy staff can attend and rectify. A link to our knowledgebase article explaining how to unjam the machine is included in the sms.

Temperature excursions

We have added an optional key-holder alert to send if the average temperature within the MedPoint over three hours exceeds recommended 25 degrees Celsius. This alerts users key holders so they can decide if remedial action is necessary and a link to our knowledgebase article is included in the sms which explains that short term excursions are generally not likely to cause issues based on guidance from the specialist pharmacy service.  

Get in touch with support if you want this alert to be enabled for your business.


Bug Fixes

Updating phone numbers on active orders

When an order is created on the MedPoint portal with an incorrect phone number the only solution to-date has been to remove the order and create a new one.

We have changed this so that when a number for a patient is updated, the “resend last message” button now uses the updated phone number from the patients record. (Please note, this only applies to orders where MedPoint is sending the sms notifications. It does not affect third party integrations like Healthera or Bewell where notifications are sent by the third party system).


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