What's New October 2022

What's New October 2022


MedPoint Release October 2022: What’s new?




Pharmacy Portal 

Watch a quick demo video of the new features here:




Filter Order Status on Orders 

We have been asked by users to make it easier to identify the orders in the MedPoint that have passed their expiry date, so we have introduced an order status filter option on the orders page. 


Simply select the new drop-down filter menu to select the status you wish to filter: 






 Patient Count 

Many of our customers want to track how many patients they have signed up to use the MedPoint, you can now do this via the additional ‘Patients’ column on the Monthly Stats report. 


The first number displayed is a cumulative running total of patients in your database. The number in brackets is the number of new patients created for a given month.  




Dark Mode 

The MedPoint portal is now compatible with browsers operating “Dark Mode” on both desktop and mobile. See below for instructions on how to activate dark mode on your device.  


Windows 10 (Desktop PCs): Windows 10 (Desktop PCs)


Mac users: Mac users


iOS devices: iOS devices


Android devices: Android devices 


 MedPoint Hardware 


Interruptible Scanning 

We are pleased to have developed a way for the machine scanning process to run in the background and allow patients who have received their pin to collect their orders without having to wait for a scan to complete. This means that the only time a patient cannot collect an order is when you have the back door of the MedPoint physically open! 


The new development will also enable staff to interrupt a scan if they need to without the need to wait for it to end.  


This has been a long-term development goal for us and has been tested robustly. This feature is not portal-related and requires a remote update of your MedPoints operating software. As such we will be rolling out this update in a phased way over the next few weeks. Our support desk will be in touch with you to advise when the update will be applied to your MedPoint and with further details. Release notes are attached to this article. 


Contactless Machine Payments 

We have introduced the option for a newly installed MedPoint to have a contactless card payment for prescription charges instead of online payment. With machine payment enabled, all patients will receive their pin number immediately but those with a potentially chargeable order will be asked to declare an exemption or pay at the machine before the order is released.  This is an option that can only be added at the point of ordering a new MedPoint and additional charges apply for this hardware upgrade. Online payment remains available.  

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