What’s new? Release February 2024

What’s new? Release February 2024

User Controlled Pharmacy Settings – Pharmacy Admin Role

We have introduced a new “Pharmacy Admin” user type to enable self-service control of the below business settings.

  1.       User management (create or remove user access from a given business)   
  2.          Edit keyholder phone numbers for critical alerts that require attention such as jams, power cuts, items left in the collector drawer
  3.       Edit default collection window (to calculate order expiry date)
  4.       Edit the business email address for system notifications

These admin permissions need to be assigned to you by MedPoint Support. The Pharmacy Admin(s) should be named individual(s) email address and not linked to a shared email address due to the extra permissions.

Once admin permissions have been assigned to you, you can access the above settings via the “Settings” section of the left hand menu of a given business. Then click “Edit” to make any changes. 

This new user type complements with the new Group Admin role released in January 2024.

Here is a reference table to illustrate the differences between the role types

Improvements to Collections Report

We have made a few changes to the collections report based on user feedback to support daily housekeeping processes.

  • We have added new filter option so that Paid, Exemption Declared and “No Charge” orders can be viewed separately
  • A new “Charges” column will display the charge amount for an order and the amount paid is displayed separately in the “Paid” column.
  • The "PIN revealed" message will now appear in the "Exemption" column if a exemption declaration has not been made by the patient (filter also available).
  • The filters will apply to any CSV export file

Option to send SMS to patient after collection

 This is a new optional chargeable feature which will send a custom template message to all customers immediately after they collect their order. Use case could include sending patients:

  1. A link to a customer satisfaction survey    
  2. A link to leave a Google review to help build positive reviews

 Charges for these optional SMS will be based on average order volumes. Get in touch with your account manager to discuss.

Bag location added to SMS failure notification

We have added the shelf location to the “SMS Failed” error notification message to make it easier to find and remove a bag that a patient may not have been notified about.

Note: Before removing these bags, we recommend checking if the patient record has an email address before removing a bag. If they do, the patient will have received their notification via email and the “SMS failure” notification can be dismissed without further action.

 We are aware of a small number of patients who have consistent issues receiving SMS notifications. This is likely due to their device or network operator and beyond our control.

We are working towards creating a contact preference option on the patient record to enable some patients to receive “email only” notifications and prevent unnecessary SMS failure notifications. 

Previous release - January 2024


We have created a new level of user account that can access and view combines statistics for a group of pharmacies/sites.
Initially this is limited to the monthly stats graphs but our roadmap includes the below features.

 This video gives a brief overview of the new functionality.

This will be rolled out to group customers in the coming weeks but if you would like immediate access please reach out to support@medpointuk.com

We are keen to hear feedback from Group customers about what features would be most useful. Our current roadmap for Group/Pharmacy AdminsUsage Stats Charts to be added in addition to “Monthly Stats

  1.      User management (add/remove users)
  2.      Edit the number of collection days allowed per business (expiry)
  3.      Edit Keyholder phone numbers per business
  4.      Edit business email address (for email notifications)   
  5.         Add “pharmacy admin” role – this will be for single site (independent) businesses to control above settings

 Dismiss All Notifications

Based on user feedback we have added the ability to dismiss all notifications.

We strongly recommend that the notifications are checked and cleared after each loading cycle (minimum daily) to ensure that all bags are loaded successfully and action is taken to resolve any scanning or integration errors.

Search orders by location

We have added the ability to search the otrder screen by location number

Change how shelf location is displayed

We have simplified how the shelf location for a given bag is displayed to make it more user friendly. The “1” prefix has been removed. Shelf locations will now be 4 digit e.g. “01-05” = shelf 01, channel 05

Resend order ready notification

We have replaced the “resend last sms” button on the order details page with “Resend order ready notification”. This is because , sometimes the “last” sms is a reminder or removal sms as opposed to the order ready notification.

Using this button will resend the pin number sms/email to exempt patients. Any patients that need to declare an exemption or pay will receive the order ready message with their unique express checkout link.

Using this feature will use the currently stored phone number on the patients record so it can be utilised if a patients phone number has been updated on the portal eg if there was an incorrect/invalid number when the order was originally created.

It is worth noting that , if you are using any PMR integration, an incorrect phone number also needs to be updated on the PMR system to ensure future messages are sent to the correct number.

Add location to SMS failure notification

We have added the shelf location to the “SMS Failed” error notification message to make it easier to find and remove a bag that a patient has not been notified about.

We recommend first checking if the patient record has an email address before removing. If they do, the patient will have received their notification via email and the sms failure can be dismissed without further action.

We are aware of a small number of patients who have consistent issues receiving SMS notifications. This is likely due to their device or network operator and beyond our control.

We are working towards creating a contact preference option on the patient record to enable some patients to receive “email only” notifications and prevent repeated and unnecessary SMS failure notifications. 

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