What's New March 2023

What's New March 2023


What’s new?

Release 20230307

Notification Centre

Up until now, any errors that occur with the loading process have been communicated to the pharmacy via a notification email. User research has shown these emails can easily be missed leading to issues with bag loading not being rectified in a timely manner.

Based on user feedback, we have now introduced a new Notification centre within the MedPoint Portal which will replace emailed error notifications.

In this initial release the below four most common types of error notification will now be sent via the notification centre instead of email.

·       Item unscanned in a specific location (Error EM0021 – where the machine cannot find any barcode)

·       Integration failure events (bag not loaded – this can be a variety of reasons e.g. missing/invalid phone number, incorrectly formatted barcode etc)

·       Duplicate barcode detected – the barcode used has previously been loaded & collected.

·       SMS failure – patient has not received pin number via SMS. Not an issue if the patient has an email address on their record.


Notifications are listed under the new bell icon at the top right-hand corner of all portal pages. A new or unread notification will be indicated with a red dot (below)



Clicking on the bell icon will open the Notification Panel which lists all current notifications (below). To view the details of an individual notification, click on the bold text which will expand the box to show the specific details including the location of the affected bag if applicable.



Notifications must be dismissed once they have been read and actioned. If not they will build up over time.  It is possible to view the audit trail for dismissed notifications by clicking the “Show dismissed” toggle, which includes details of which user dismissed the notification & when.




As these notifications are critical to the patient receiving their order notifications, if they are not read & dismissed within ten minutes a pop-up will appear to remind users of unread notifications. Clicking “View Notifications” will open the notifications panel.  Clicking “Snooze” will dismiss the pop-up for a further ten minutes.



Changes to Pin reveal process

In order to improve the audit trail when pharmacy staff reveal the collection pin, we have made a number of changes to the process.

When a user selects “Click to Reveal”  in the “pin” section of the Order Details screen, they will be presented with a new pop-up (below) which asks them to select from a drop-down menu of pre-defined reasons for revealing the pin. They must also tick the box to acknowledge that they are bypassing online payment/declaration processes if they give the pin to the patient. There is an option for “Other” where users can still free-type a specific reason. This info appears on the order events log.


Once a reason has been selected and the box ticked, the “Reveal Pin” button turns green and can be clicked. The pin number is now visible on the order details screen.

When a pin has been revealed, as well as appearing in the order event logs, the collection report will now display “PIN revealed” with an explanatory tooltip in the “Paid” column. This is to explain why there is no payment or exemption reason for the order.


Formatted emails with QR collection code

We have upgraded the format of system generated emails using HTML instead of plain text which allows us to include a scannable version of the patients collection pin code in the body of the email. Up until now the QR code pin was only available to patients that used go.medpoint.uk to pay or declare NHS exemptions. An example is below.

Patients must press the “0” key on the keypad to activate the scanner. This is also stated on the home screen of the MedPoint itself.


Minor UX improvements

Tooltip icons

There are numerous “tooltips” throughout the portal to give users more detail wherever deemed helpful. These appear as a pop-up when the PC cursor hovers over them. We have added an "i" icon to indicate tooltips across all pages of the portal to make these tooltips more obvious.

Skip selecting business if user can only access 1 business

If a user is associated with only one business/pharmacy, they will no longer be asked to select the pharmacy after entering username & password and will instead be logged straight into the orders screen. Only users with more than one business will see the option to select different businesses.


Orders with no associated "Patient" record

This applies to users of the PMR generated QR codes (PSL or Cegedim PMR).

If an NHS/CHI number is missing from the bag label QR code, an order will still be created successfully but an associated “Patient” record is not created (because NHS/CHI is required for this).

This is only evident when looking at the Collection report as there is a “ – “ where the patient name would normally be.  We have now added an explanatory note so users are aware why this might happen and how to rectify.

We recommend adding NHS/CHI number to all patient records on the PMR so that there is an associated patient record created and searchable audit trail on the MedPoint portal. The vast majority of patients have NHS/CHI numbers so this is a minor issue. 

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